For instructors who do not want their students using artificial intelligence (AI) tools in their courses, a new template is available for import from the Canvas Commons. The template has been designed with best practices for establishing academic integrity as it relates to AI usage, and it contains many student-facing warnings and instructor-centered resources for ensuring course security and fostering academic integrity.
Article Contents
Importing the Template from the Commons
- No-AI Messaging
- No-AI Syllabus Template
- Pre-Configured Template Assignment with CopyLeaks
- Template Discussion with No-AI Messaging
- Academic Integrity: Training and Pledge Quiz Setup Instructions
Importing the Template from the Commons
For instructions about how to import the No-AI template for use in your course, read How to import and use the UC San Diego Extended Studies Course Template in your Canvas Course Design.
(ABOVE) Image of template tile in Commons.
Template Features
The No-AI Course Template has the following features:
No-AI Messaging
Messages prohibiting AI use appear on the course homepage, syllabus page, About this Course page, and on all assignments and discussions (See screenshot below).
No-AI Syllabus Template
The syllabus page contains a new syllabus template that includes language that prohibits AI use in the course without explicit instructor approval (See screenshot below).
Pre-Configured Template Assignment with CopyLeaks
The Assignment template comes with messaging forbidding AI usage (See screenshot below).
It also has CopyLeaks enabled by default. However, you will want to ensure the settings are correct and also configure your report settings after importing this course template. Repeat the process below for every assignment you wish to protect with CopyLeaks.
Ensuring Proper CopyLeaks Settings
To check settings, click Edit on the Assignment page and make the changes indicated in the screenshot below.
1. Make sure "CopyLeaks Plagiarism Checker" is selected in the Plagiarism Review area of the settings.
2. Click Edit scan settings and disable the internal database (which will increase the accuracy of the report). Don't forget to click Save in the lower-right corner of the scan settings page when you are finished.
3. Choose show report to students "immediately" so that they can see their results as soon as they are available.
Note: A help article that shows students how to view their AI/plagiarism report is linked at the bottom of the assignment template.
Template Discussion with No-AI Messaging
Discussions contain specific messaging that AI is not to be used to write discussion posts; however, instructors will have to take some manual steps to authenticate student discussion posts because CopyLeaks cannot be used to protect Discussions directly.
For information about a two-part assignment+discussion protection and other ways to check student work outside of a Canvas Assignment, please read the help article How to use a CopyLeaks-enabled Assignment to protect a separate Discussion (Instructors).
Academic Integrity: Training and Pledge Quiz Setup Instructions
At the top of the modules, you will find a link to instructions for setting up the Academic Integrity: Training and Pledge Quiz, which can be used to ensure your students understand your policy about AI before they can access your course content (See screenshot below).
Related Articles
Resources for CopyLeaks - Plagiarism and AI Scan