Instructors can view a student's quiz log in order to view quiz behavior, such as how much time was spent on each question or the progress of a student's answer to a short-answer question.
⚠️ Note: Canvas does not advise instructors to make academic integrity judgments based on these logs, though they could be the starting point for a conversation with a student.
To View a Quiz Log
1. Open SpeedGrader for the quiz.
2. In the lefthand pane of SpeedGrader containing the student's submission, click View Log at the top-right of the pane.
Log View Options
Stream View
Stream view shows (1) quiz start time and date, attempt number, and an action log of the student's answer choices, including a time stamp and a link that shows which answer was chosen at that moment. Clicking (2) view table switches to Table View.
Table View
Table view also shows (1) time stamps and a different view of answering behaviors. The icons in the question column indicate whether a student answered the question, left it blank, or when the student made their final selection. Clicking (2) view stream will switch back to Stream View.
For a full explanation of Canvas Quiz Logs, including how to understand the log entries for short-answer questions, please read the full article: How do I view a quiz log for a student?