These instructions assume your media content has already been uploaded to your My Media area. This means you have already created the video using Kaltura or uploaded a video that was produced using a different tool.
If you need to help creating a video please see: Recording Lecture Content with Kaltura
- Navigate to the course that you want to post the video to.
- If you have already created a page for this content Edit that page. If you do not have a page set up yet, Create a new page.
- Click the Kaltura icon on the right of the editor box to launch the Kaltura tool.
Note: if you do not see the Kaltura icon, click on the expand menu icon (3 dots) and then click on the Kaltura icon - This will launch your Media Gallery which contains any content you have uploaded to My Media. Click the Embed button next to the video you want to embed.
To add additional videos repeat these steps.