In order for your students to view the Zoom meeting you have recorded to the Cloud, you will need to change the default setting in your Zoom account to turn off Require users to authenticate before viewing cloud recordings.
Account settings
- Using your AD/SSO credentials log into your Zoom web portal at
- Click on the menu item Settings.
- Click on Recordings tab.
- Scroll down to the option Require users to authenticate before viewing cloud recordings and make sure this is turned OFF (white circle on the left of the slider).
Individual recording settings
Please also make sure your settings on each recording file are set correctly
- Click Recordings on the left menu.
- Click Share next to name of the recording.
Under "Who can view", select Everyone with the recording link.
Click "Share Settings".
Uncheck Viewers need to register to watch.
If you want anyone with the link to view, then you should also uncheck Passcode
If you have questions about your SSO/AD account login, please contact your Department Manager.
If students are still having issues viewing your Zoom recording, please contact