This article will assist you if you use Microsoft 365 and have a file you would like to share with your class as read-only. Please note, the link to the file that you share with your class can still be shared outside of the Canvas course, but no one will have the option to edit or download the file.
- Log into your One Drive and view list of your files
- Click on the Sharing status (Private or Shared) next to the MS file
- This will open the Manage Access window. Click Share next to the Links giving access field
- Click People you specify can edit then select Anyone with the link
- In the Other Settings area deselect Allow editing and toggle Block download to on then click Apply. In this area you can also choose to add a password or date restriction to the file for added file protection.
- Adding a password means that only those with the password will be able to read the file.
- Adding an expiration date means that the file can only be read up until the specified date.
- Select Copy Link. You can then paste this link any where you like within Canvas.