Download and install the Respondus LockDown Browser for your system
- PC download
- Mac download
- iPad and Chromebook users see the "Technical Requirements" section below.
- Important: you will need administrative rights for the computer you are using. When installing the browser and each time you launch the browser to take an exam an admin username and password will be required.
Using Respondus LockDown Browser to take an exam
- Start the browser, either by finding the icon on your desktop, looking in your Applications folder (Mac) or by clicking "Start" and scrolling down to the application (Windows). You may be prompted to close other applications. Select Close Applications to continue, or quit LockDown Browser and relaunch it once you have closed other applications.
- LockDown Browser will automatically open the Canvas login screen. Log into Canvas, navigate to your course, and then navigate to the exam. Note: If a student tries to access the exam using a regular browser, they will encounter a message indicating that they must instead use LockDown Browser.
- Important: you will need to know your username and password for MyExtension/Canvas. Students will be required to log in again after launching the LockDown Browser. The LockDown Browser will disable password management tools. Therefore, students need to have their login credentials memorized.
- Take the exam. Once the exam has started, students are locked into the exam. They’re unable to access any other applications or open any other tabs while in the exam. Once the exam is completed, students are permitted to exit the browser and their computer will return to its normal state. If a student needs to exit the exam before submitting it (for example, in case of an emergency or internet failure), they are required to enter a reason for exiting the exam early.
- Important: you will not be able to open other applications while taking the exam.
Technical Requirements
Before downloading Respondus LockDown Browser, please note the system requirements below to ensure you will be able to download the application, and that you are fully prepared to proceed.
- Important: Make sure your computer meets the Systems Requirements for LockDown Browser.
- Operating Systems:
- Memory:
- Windows: 75 MB permanent space on the hard drive
- Mac: 120 MB permanent space on the hard drive
- Browser Requirements:
- LockDown Browser is a client application that is installed to a local computer. Both the Windows edition and the Mac edition of the browser are based on Chromium, Google's open-source framework. Students do NOT need Google's Chrome browser installed; nor will this version affect a Chrome browser that's already installed.
If your computer does not meet the above specifications, or if you foresee issues with any of the other outlined requirements, please reach out to your instructor immediately.
For additional information, please see the links below:
- Respondus LockDown Browser: The Student Experience
- Student Quick Start Quide
- LockDown Browser Student Video