Instructors can take any recording inside or outside of My Media and add an integrated Kaltura Video Quiz. Extended Studies recommends recordings for video quizzes not be more than 20 minutes long (How to Split up a Kaltura Video). Please note that Video Quizzes do not currently meet universal design accessibility standards. Kaltura is working on a solution to this shortcoming, and it means you may need to provide the video quiz you create through another avenue if that is what students need.
Note: Your finished video quiz might then be added to your course as a Canvas assignment, but only for video quizzes with exclusively True/False and Multiple-Choice questions. Student scores would then automatically sync in your Canvas Gradebook. To add your finished video quiz to your course as a Canvas assignment, see the article How to create a Canvas assignment for your Kaltura video quiz (instructors).
- Navigate to your My Media area in Canvas. Click on Account within the navigation menu, then My Media (Kaltura).
- Click on Add New.
- Click on Video Quiz.
- Click on Select next to an existing video in your Media Library,
or click on + Upload Media to upload a new video to your Media Library. - The Kaltura video editor launches, and a side bar indicates you are in the Quiz area.
- The Kaltura video editor Quiz area allows you to edit the description and grading information for the quiz as well as insert video questions at the times you choose using the timeline at the bottom of this display.
- To add a quiz question, play your video to the point where you want to add the question and press pause, or move the pin with the time-in-video display to the point in the video where you would like to insert a question.
- To add a question in the video, click Add a Question.
- Choose which type of item that you would like to add at this time in the video.
Multiple choice question: up to four answers (can be used with Canvas assignments)
True/False question (can be used with Canvas assignments)
Open question: students enter text responses (cannot be used with Canvas assignments)
Reflection Point: stops the video and presents text (cannot be used with Canvas assignments)
- Now Kaltura will prompt you to fill in the information for the quiz question (and T/F and multiple-choice answers), or if you are just entering a reflection point, then Kaltura will prompt you to type in that reflection point.
The first answer you type will be indicated as the correct answer by the green check. Hover over an answer, on the left, to drag and drop a question in the list. Click X to remove an answer. Click + to add another answer. - Click on the shuffle icon to randomize the order of answers for students. Click on the light bulb icon and then Hint to add a question hint; click on Why to add the correct answer rationale for a question.
- Click Save to finish.
- Notice that a cube now appears on the video editor timeline. The cube shows that the question is there. Click on the cube to edit the question, or click and drag the cube to change the time when the question appears.
- Go back to number 7 in this list and follow the directions to add each additional question you would like to add. Do not put more than one quiz question at the same time in the video. You can click on the scale slider just above the timeline to zoom in or out to select exact times in your video.
- When you are finished adding questions, it is time to review your video quiz settings. Click on the settings icon.
- Click the Details tab. Default values are displayed. You may Revert to defaults at any time. Click Save after each time you modify any option.
Please note the following Details Tab settings: (Must match any Canvas assignment settings)
Upon Submission:
Resulting Display for the end-user:
Quiz Name
Quiz Name
Welcome Message
The message that is displayed on the first screen of the quiz. If you disable the Welcome Message display, viewers will not be able to see the pre-test question list.
Allow viewers to download the list of questions before starting the quiz.
The following text will be displayed:
"All questions must be answered. The quiz will be submitted at the end." - Click the Scoring tab to set or modify the scoring options. Default values are displayed. You may Revert to defaults at any time.
Please note the following Scoring Tab settings: (Must match any Canvas assignment settings)
Upon Submission:
Resulting Display for the end-user:
Allow viewers to take the quiz more than once. See Multiple Attempts and Scoring - Retaking a Quiz for more information. The minimum is 2 attempts per quiz.
Do Not Show Scores
A 'Thank You' message will display after submitting the quiz. No scores will be presented to the quiz-taker.
Show Scores
Your viewers will see the quiz score page after the quiz is submitted.
Your viewers will be able to see correct/incorrect answers, as well as the correct answer’s rationale if you chose to add it during the quiz creation (add link to where we talk about the “Why” button)
- Click the Experience tab to set or modify the experience options. Default values are displayed. You may Revert to defaults at any time.
Please note the following Experience Tab settings:
Resulting Display for the end-user:
Allow answers change
Your viewers will be able to change an answer before submitting the entire quiz, during review mode.
Allow Skip
Users will be presented with the "Skip for Now" button.
Do not allow skip
Users must submit an answer before proceeding forward.
No seeking forward Users will not be able to use the seek bar to navigate the video past the point they viewed. - Click Done when you are finished with the video quiz questions and settings to make certain you save your work.
- Play your video and take the quiz questions to check your work. Please contact Instructional Excellence at with your questions.