In order for student to view the Module folders you will need to make sure they are in a published state.
- Enter your course and click on Modules.
- Check the published status icon on the right of the module title bar. If it is unpublished you will see a grey circle with a line through it instead of a green check mark.
- To publish just click on the grey circle icon. click the Module Status Menu [1]. Then, in the drop down menu, select the desired option [2].
If you want to publish all modules, in the Modules page, click the Publish All button [1] and select an option [2].
- Check your work: Enter Student Preview mode and verify that the module is visible.
Note: File items must be published and unpublished individually due to the additional availability setting options modal. Additionally, an unpublished module overrides the state of individual module items. If an item is published within an unpublished module, students cannot view the item on the Modules page but can still view the published items in other areas of Canvas. However, they will not be able to interact with the item until the module is published.