Extension Logo (v. 2017)
Extended Studies Logo (v. 2022)
All Extended Studies course syllabi need to bear the Extended Studies logo beginning in January 2023. This logo update is instructional work that is essential to the student experience at Extended Studies as the logo on the syllabi must match all other documentation that Extended Studies provides about a student’s record, including transcripts and enrollment verifications.
The UC San Diego Extended Studies Syllabus Template includes the new logo and our new name.
How to update your syllabus with the Extended Studies Logo
Step 1: Locate your syllabus file (.docx or .pdf), either on your computer or by downloading the file from Canvas.
Step 2: Edit your syllabus file on your local computer or in the cloud using MS Word (.docx, .pdf file extensions)
Microsoft Word directions for editing PDF files
Note: If your syllabus was created in Google Docs, Apple Pages, etc., please use the same software to update it.
- Open your syllabus file with MS Word and addthe new Extended Studies Logo.
- Retrieve the Extended Studies logo from either of the following links:
Extended Studies blue and gold logo as JPEG OR Extended Studies blue and gold logo as PNG- Right-click on the image that appears in your browser and select Copy Image.
- At the top of your syllabus, highlight UC San Diego Extension (text or logo)
- Paste the new logo over the old text/logo.
- Resize the image by clicking and holding a corner of the logo image and dragging your mouse to resize the image.
- Format the logo image to be centered on the page.
- Save your file with either the .docx (MS Word format) or the .pdf (Adobe format) file extension.
- Upload the file into your course in Canvas – preferably as a .pdf file. Remove the old file if necessary.
Additional resources:
Updating your Extended Studies Syllabus
Uploading a Syllabus to Canvas (Video Tutorial)